Grouper Fillet in Fish Soup with Matrimony Vine
材料 Ingredients
鮮濃魚湯 2杯(500克)
星斑魚肉 200克
枸杞 200克
杞子 1/2湯匙
薑花 2片
醃魚料 Fish Marinade
鹽 1/4茶匙
生粉 1/2茶匙
熟油 1茶匙
Grouper Fillet in Fish Soup with Matrimony Vine
fresh fish broth?2cups(500g)
grouper fish fillet 200g
matrimony vine 200g
lyceum berries?1/2tbsp
ginger 2slices
醃魚料 Fish Marinade
salt 1/4tsp
corn flour 1/2tsp
cooked oil 1tsp
ginger juice in rice wine?1tsp
做法 Method
1. 魚肉洗淨切塊,以醃料拌勻。
?Wash fish fillet, cut into pieces, then mix with marinade thoroughly.
2. 枸杞摘出菜葉,洗淨瀝乾;杞子略洗,瀝乾。
Pick leaves of matrimony vine, wash, then strain. Wash lyceum berries briefly, then strain.
3. 將魚肉置網篩內,以滾水汆燙片刻(約5成熟),放大湯碗中。
Put fish fillet in a sieve, blanch in boiling water briefly until medium rare, then transfer to a large bowl.
4. 鮮濃魚湯煮至滾,放下枸杞葉和杞子、薑片等,即可澆在放有魚肉之湯碗內,立即上桌。
Boil fresh fish broth, put in matrimony vine leaves, lyceum berries and ginger, then pour it into the bowl of fish fillet. Serve immediately.