專業版 烤牛肋排


我經常想弄烤牛肋排宴客,但這只停留在幻想當中,從未能實現。現實中我每年只弄一次,通常在特別的節日,如聖誕節等日子才會做。不過,做此菜前我必然被恐慌包圍,因我已經忘記了十二個月前烤牛肋排時所犯的錯誤。怎樣才可擁有烤牛肋排的必勝之法?為求自保,我決定用紙筆記錄每個重要步驟。為求完美,我再次請桝好友港麗酒店行政總廚Chef Moser。由於他們每天都烤牛肋排,故希望他能分享箇中秘訣,例如烤焗時間、如何在數小時後翻熱仍保持美味等要方。

Chef Moser(左)廚藝精湛,又樂於公開烹飪秘訣。

Roast Prime Rib of Beef


1. 用小刀刮除及修改牛肉多餘的筋及薄膜。
Trim the beef, scraping away unnecessary membrane and tendons.
2. 用一條幼而韌的繩,打圈綁緊牛肋排。
Use strong, thin string, looping it firmly and neatly around the roast.
3. 烤之前先取出牛肋排,放在室溫數小時。將烤盤放在最底層,烤爐預熱至攝氏120℃(華氏250度或煤氣1/2度)。撒上大量海鹽和黑胡椒在牛肋排上作調味。
Bring the rib to room temperature a few hours before roasting. Place oven rack to the lowest position and pre-heat the oven to 120℃(250℉ or Gas Mark 1/2). Season the rib joint heavily with sea salt and pepper.
4. 將牛肋排塗滿Dijon芥末。
Smear 3 tbsp of Dijon mustard all over the rib.
5. 先以高火燒熱長方形大鐵板或煎鍋,加油2湯匙。牛肋排遇上高溫,油脂便會滲出。煎香每邊牛肋排,直至呈金黃色,並滲出半杯油,需時約8至10分鐘。(可把油留起來做約克雪布甸)。 Heat a big rectangular cast-iron griddle or frying pan to a very high temperature. Then sear the rib joint in 2 tbsp oil. When exposed to high temperatures, the joint will release its own fat. Cook the joint on all sides until nicely browned and about 1/2 cup fat has been rendered, 8-10 minutes.(Save the fat for Yorkshire Pudding.)
6. 將牛肋排置於大烤盤內,然後放進120℃焗爐裏,烤1小時。
Place the rib in a roasting pan, and roast at 120℃ for 1 hour.
7. 將燒汁塗勻牛肉,然後將烤爐火調高上180℃(華氏350度或煤氣4度),再烤焗1小時。
Then baste the meat with its own juice thoroughly. Now switch the oven to 180℃(350℉ or Gas Mark 4)and continue to roast for another hour.
8. 從烤爐裏取出烤盤,輕輕把錫紙蓋在牛肋排上約半小時;讓牛肋排的肉汁重新平均地分布,並拿走綁在牛肋排上的繩。把牛肋排放在盤上。
Remove the roast from the oven, and cover the roast loosely in tinfoil. Let it stand for half an hour to allow the juices to redistribute themselves evenly throughout the roast. Remove the strings used to tie the roast.Set the roast on a tray.







伴牛肋排醬汁/Sauce For The Prime Rib


1. 取出煎鍋中的肉汁,然後用餘下的油脂炒香雜菜(紅蘿蔔、洋葱、西芹、黑胡椒粒、月桂葉、丁香及蒜頭)。
Collect the juice from the pan and set aside. With the remaining fat in the roasting tin, add the chopped vegetables(diced carrot, onion, celery, black peppercorns, bay leaf, cloves, crushed garlic)and fry until fragrant.

2. 加入1/2杯紅酒和1湯匙茄醬,煮滾。
Add 1/2 cup red wine and 1 tbsp tomato paste into the sauce. Cook to reduce a little.
3. 將燒汁轉去一個小鍋內,加入肉汁,如肉汁不夠,可加少許清雞湯,然後慢火煮20至30分鐘至稠。
Transfer to a little saucepan, add the juice from the roast, some chicken stock if juice is not enough, then simmer for 20-30 minutes until the sauce is nicely flavoured and reduced.

牛肋排切法/Carving Prime Rib

1. 以叉子刺緊牛肋排,用較鋒利的切肉刀沿着骨的部分切開,然後切骨。
Hold the roast steady with the help of a carving fork. Use a sharp carving knife to cut along the rib bones and sever the bones from the meat.
2. 切面向下放,於牛肉橫紋切薄片。
With the cut-side down, carve the meat across the grain into serving slices.


1.約克雪布甸是烤牛肋排不可分開的配菜,但現在亦流用Corn Muffin來做配菜,想參考這兩款食譜,請瀏覽www.cookwithannie.com
3.烤牛肋排的四至六天前,我會先將牛肋排存放在雪櫃冷凍格「催陳」。有關「催陳」牛肉的資料,請瀏覽www.cookwithannie.com 。
4.另一方法烤焗牛肋排是用慢火,將牛肋排放進120℃焗爐裏,烤至溫度針插入牛肉內錄到130℉(五成熟),需時3至3 1/2小時。我喜歡用慢速來烤,即是利用低溫技巧,令到肉汁較多而肉質細嫩鬆軟。

1.Yorkshire Pudding is an inseparable accompiniment to Rib Roast but it is now also fashionable to have corn muffins as an accompaniment. Both recipes are available at www.cookwithannie.com .
2.You need to tie the prime rib before roasting, because if left untied, the outer layer of meat will hang loose from the rib-eye muscle.
3.I aslo age my rib roast in the refrigerator to improve its flavour and texture 4-6 days before cooking.(For more information on beef ageing, please visit www.cookwithannie.com )
4.Another way to roast the rib is to slow cook i.e. cook with low temperature. Place the roast in a 120℃ oven and roast until the meat registers 130℉(for medium-rare), about 3-3 1/2 hours. I prefer to use a slow oven for roasting, because this yields the juiciest meat and most tender texture.

梁許安璞(Annie Leong)www.cookwithannie.com 網站


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