香茅咖喱牛腩 Beef Brisket Curry with Lemongrass
越式咖喱 可配牛腩、雞肉和雜菜,
1) 牛腩 1 磅 Beef brisket 1 lb
2) 蒜頭 2 粒 Garlic 2 cloves
3) 乾蔥 2 粒 Shallots 2 cloves
4) 香茅 1 枝 Lemongrass 1 stalk
5) 洋蔥 1 個 Onion 1
6) 水 2 至 3 杯 Water 2-3 cups
7) 椰汁 半杯 Coconut milk 1/2 cup
8) 油 4 湯匙 Oil 4 tbsp
調味料: Seasoning
9) 咖喱粉 2 湯匙 Curry powder 2 tbsp
10) 辣椒粉 1 茶匙 Chilli powder 1 tsp
11) 糖 1 湯匙 Sugar 1 tbsp
12) 魚露 2 湯匙 Fish sauce 2 tbsp
作法: Method
a) 牛腩切大件後略為沖洗。瀝乾後加入醃料醃 1 小時。
Cut the beef brisket into big pieces then rinse. Mix with the seasonings and marinate for 1 hour.
b) 蒜頭及乾蔥剁碎, 香茅拍鬆切段, 洋蔥切塊。
Chop the garlic and shallots. Pound and section the lemongrass. Cut the onion in chunks
c) 鍋內燒熱 4 湯匙油。爆香蒜頭、乾蔥及香茅。 Heat 4 tbsp oil in a pot. Saute the garlic, shallot and lemongrass.
d) 加入牛腩及洋蔥拌勻。 Toss in the beef brisket and onion.
e) 加水以慢火燜約一個半小時。Pour in water, bring to boil and simmer for 1 1/2 hour.
f) 牛腩煮至腍身,加入椰汁便成。 Add coconut milk when the beef brisket is tender.