Movie Theater 電影院篇
現代人每天忙於工作或課業,周末假期去電影院(movie theater)看部電影,是許多人紓壓的方式。為了避免售票口(box office)大排長龍、壞了看電影的興致,不妨事先查看電影放映時刻表(showtimes),或事先在網路上訂票(book a movie ticket online)。要是你喜歡看動作片(action movie),絕對不能錯過戴上3D眼鏡(3D glasses)看立體電影所帶來的視覺快感,一邊吃著手中的爆米花(popcorn)一邊欣賞,輕鬆達到減壓的目的。
1. 售票處 box office
2. 播放時刻表 showtimes
3. 電影觀眾 moviegoer
4. 海報 poster
5. 預告片 trailer
6. 飲食部 concession stand
7. 收票員帶位員 usher
8. 入口 entrance
9. 3D眼鏡 3D glasses
10. 放映廳 auditorium
W: I feel like seeing a movie tonight, but I just can’t decide which one.
M: There’s that new science fiction movie everyone is talking about. The special effects are supposed to be incredible.
W: That’s what I heard, too. I hope we can still get tickets for tonight.
Where are they probably going this weekend?
(A) To a department store.
(B) To Michael Anthony’s restaurant.
(C) To a movie theater.
(D) To a friend’s house.
試題撰寫Ian Mcllwaine
(聽力音檔與解答請上全球英語學習頻道 )
Read more: Movie Theater 電影院篇